ZX Spectrum Next – Part 1: Colour Graphics!

You’ve probably heard of the Spectrum Next, right? Out of all the new machines to come out based on the “what if” progression of old hardware, the Next has to be one of the best looking I’ve seen and having learned a bit about the hardware, a very plausible, believable progression in the Spectrum line up. I can’t help but think if Sinclair/Amstrad had continued development of this much loved British Icon it would probably have not been too dissimilar to what we see in the Next today. Now I’m going to be honest with you, I’m a Commodore man, as many of may know, I started out with a Vic-20, progressed through with a C128, C64 and Amiga so it’s safe to say my interest in computers was tainted with the old
chicken lips brand.
Wormhole Dungeon Rockin’ Tiles

If you’ve read my previous post from early March you would have seen I’ve been working with Tony Warriner on his rather lovely game project, Wormhole Dungeon. My job; add some tiles and make the game level graphics look good. After finishing the initial batch of graphics a month or so back Tony messaged me […]
Dragon Bones – One last dance

As mentioned in my previous dev blog, the animation system used in Blobbit Push was created using a piece of software called Dragon Bones. At the time it worked great but over the years it appears to have been neglected by the developers. So much so that there no longer appears to be a download […]
Blobbit Push a 2024 Update

If you have been following the development of our game Blobbit Push you may of read Mark (Ripley) and myself picked up the reigns to the game again last year. Now you may be asking, why is it taking so long, what the heck have you been doing all this time? Well that’s a good […]
Wormhole Dungeon

It greatly delights me to say I appear to have found myself working with Tony Warriner on his rather lovely game Wormhole Dungeon. But what is it you are doing on this game then Stoo? I don’t hear you ask… Ahh it be pixel art mate, more specifically I’m adding my touch to the game […]
OCR from a screen grab? Why would you want that? Ahh….Ok.

As development on Blobbit Push draws to an end there’s a list of things that need fixing, sorting and tweaking before the game can be published. One of ‘these things’ is to compile a list of all the animations we’re using for the front end UI. Stuff like level select, pause menu, you get the […]
Revisting the Sensible Golf Editor Part 2

Back in 2011 whilst browsing through some of my art archives I found a disc image called “Sensible Golf Editor”. Of course I simple had to try it out even if I couldn’t remember how the thing actually worked! Well it was a great idea at the time but I just couldn’t remember what keys […]
The Art of Little Bird Episode 1

Christmas 2011, the holiday season was about to begin.. I was just about to begin the slow down for the holidays, you know the usual sort of thing, mulled wine, ginger wine, mince pies, backing up my files, fixing things, you get the idea. So mid-bite through a mince pie I’m offered a small project […]
Blobbit Push the 2nd

It’s been many years since the first Blobbit game came out and as many years again Mark and I have pondered on when we should work on it again. Neither one of us had the time previously but the planets have aligned correctly somewhere in the Universe and we both agree 2016 is to be […]
Pinball game you say?!

Sometimes you’re offered a project that ticks all the boxes right away. Let’s go back to September 2012 when one such project fell in my lap.The game was called Looksi Pinball and was intended to work with a hardware overlay for an iPad or iPhone to provide.