The Design Droid – Coupons

I was doing some updates to over the weekend and I found the coupons section after a quick read up on how they work. Well , what can I say, how utterly brilliant! Once I’d worked out how to bring in a few graphical assets I then went about adding them all together to […]
Finally, My Shop Lives! Well well well, it appears after what seems like an age and a lot of replies to my wife that “It won’t be long now, almost done” my new shop is finished and is online. Yay!
Mean Machine Dean Podcast!

I had the pleasure of speaking in depth about my career in the games industry with the awesome Dean from the Mean Machine Dean Podcast recorded recently with my lockdown hair and wannabe Gandalf (feeling) beard! Oh and my trusty ZZap! 64 mug courtesy of my ol’mate at Fusion RetroBook Chris Wilkins.
BBC Level 23! I was on it!

Before I start this post I’d like to send out a big thanks to Quang from Asobitech for putting Danny (BBC Level 23) in touch with me without whom I would not have been a guest on the show – thanks man I appreciate it! (Quang is awesome by the way check out Mao Mao […]
The Sensible Talk @ Revival 2019

I was honoured when Chris (Wilkins) invited me to join my old Sensible mate Jon Hare to give a talk about all things Sensible Software at the recent Retro Revival 2019 event in Walsall, UK. The thing is I’ve never actually been to a retro gaming event before so I had no idea what it […]