- ☕ Cuppa Tea? ☕ -

If you're enjoying Stoo's site, perhaps treat him to a nice cup of the good stuff.


Well well well, it appears after what seems like an age and a lot of replies to my wife that “It won’t be long now, almost done” my new shop is finished and is online. Yay!

So what’s this shop all about I hear you ask, well in my mind anyway. Erm.. So for many years I’ve always wanted to open up my own little shop to sell prints of my work and to serve as a driver for me personally to seek a purpose to creating stuff. Throughout my professional life I’ve often created art for other people and though it pays the bills I’ve often been quite slack when it comes to creating anything outside of contract work. I always work best when I’m on a project. I think it’s a commitment thing, if I’m working on something in my spare time there is no endgame for me, no deadline, no incentive. So what better way to incentivise myself than to create a hub to channel my efforts into, knowing there is a purpose for whatever piece I’m working on. And it works, I’ve been coming up with lots of ideas for things to create ,make and share.

Rather than just pop up a site with E-Commerce as an add on, I opted to craft something that would also serve as a separate identity from me, I don’t know why I thought that would be a good idea but it just felt right for me to do it this way, You can read about the origin of the character here , suffice to say it kind of just slotted in to place, the ideas, the design and the products I intended to sell.

Rather than ramble on here’s the site link, which is also linked via the shop menu above.




Contact Stoo

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