Handy Amiga IFF Plugin for GIMP (Windows)

I’ve been a regular user of the rather excellent art package GIMP for quite some years and have found it to be a fantastic tool for manipulating digital art, touching up scanned sketches or laying out pixel art for use in a video game project; it’s never let me down. If I have ever needed […]
OCR from a screen grab? Why would you want that? Ahh….Ok.

As development on Blobbit Push draws to an end there’s a list of things that need fixing, sorting and tweaking before the game can be published. One of ‘these things’ is to compile a list of all the animations we’re using for the front end UI. Stuff like level select, pause menu, you get the […]
Inkscape Colour Picker = Cool!

Quick post today as I’ve been really, really busy of late. So a few minutes ago I needed to pick a colour from an image I’d found on that internet thing we all seem to spend our lives using. So I hit F7 moved the mouse curser over to the colour area I wanted and […]
Ahh so that’s what the ‘d’ means!

‘Rot’ or ‘DRot’ what the ?? Ahh now I know! Rot is an absolute value overiding the object’s values and DRot is added to the current value! Ta da! Same applies to scale too. Stars are now converted to use Drot D?? where applicable!
Blendertastic knicker elastic!

Development of the front end continues with the addition of my Rydek-12 illustration which is sitting inside Blender rather nicely now. Next step is to get the stars all key framed up and jiggling about doing their thing. Just discovered a cool Blender material button located in the Material panel called ‘Shadeless‘ which is great […]