Quick post today as I’ve been really, really busy of late.
So a few minutes ago I needed to pick a colour from an image I’d found on that internet thing we all seem to spend our lives using. So I hit F7 moved the mouse curser over to the colour area I wanted and well the resulting hue was not quite what I wanted. .Hmmm if only I could sample a range of colours from an area and acquire the average hue, now that would be cool.
Oh how surprised I was when by total accident I held the mouse button down again but this time I dragged it without letting go. Wow! A circle appears and the further out you drag the larger the circle becomes! No way I thought, but way it was and behold the average colour contained within the circle was picked up and as soon as I let go of the mouse button appeared as the current draw colour. Most excellent!!
So today after using Inkscape daily for the past 8 months or so I have discovered something new and something very useful. Awesome stuff!
Thank you for the clear description!
No problem. 🙂