Love is in the air, Valentines Day artwork

I had a blast doing the artwork for a valentines day game app. Here’s a selection of the art I created, all lovingly produced in the wonderful Inkscape.
One Armed Bandit Twice

Summer 2014, I worked on a pretty damn fine slots game for iOS, sadly no longer available; here’s a few shots from it.I provided all the artwork and animations for these games with the majority of the art created in Inkscape with a few of the bitmap edits done in Gimp and effects for speed […]
Indie Royale – Artwork Post

For about a year around 2013/2014 I provided all the bundle artwork for the guys at Indie Royale. Most of my work was to create the theme art for each bundle, usually based on the titles. For the most part I used Inkscape to create these pieces, mostly drawn digitally in rough using MyPaint, occasionally […]
The Art of Little Bird Episode 1

Christmas 2011, the holiday season was about to begin.. I was just about to begin the slow down for the holidays, you know the usual sort of thing, mulled wine, ginger wine, mince pies, backing up my files, fixing things, you get the idea. So mid-bite through a mince pie I’m offered a small project […]
Pinball game you say?!

Sometimes you’re offered a project that ticks all the boxes right away. Let’s go back to September 2012 when one such project fell in my lap.The game was called Looksi Pinball and was intended to work with a hardware overlay for an iPad or iPhone to provide.
ET is here and taking our cows!

One of my recent projects was to design the artwork for a pinball game. The first table had the theme of Aliens and UFO’s. So not wasting any time I came up with these little chaps who fly about the Nevada desert looking for things to abduct with their dazzling tractor beam of light. OK […]
Inkscape Colour Picker = Cool!

Quick post today as I’ve been really, really busy of late. So a few minutes ago I needed to pick a colour from an image I’d found on that internet thing we all seem to spend our lives using. So I hit F7 moved the mouse curser over to the colour area I wanted and […]
What?? HD art for iPad(1.2.3)?? Part 2

Here’s a snippet of the new ‘updated’ Blobbit Push tile set for the Sand Sludge Bog area. Yes I know it looks like the old one, or does it? Hang on why don’t you compare yourself. Marvelous. (fiddles with some files… uploads…that was so quick , I’ve not finished typing this yet). Right then, here’s […]
Little Bird (iOS)

I originally wrote a blog post about this game but at the time of writing I had not set up a portfolio page so held off posting the final artwork created for this game. < Original Blog Post <
What?? HD art for iPad?? Oh…..Erm… right then..

I’ve been rather busy of late creating, converting and tweaking various art assets for inclusion into Blobbit iPush. Some via Unity as rescaled sprites, others taking the form of new 2D & 3D art, not bad! One thing I didn’t really want to do just yet is take on the seemingly mammoth task of up-scaling […]