Join me as I continue to take one of my illustrations from The Colouring Book of Retro Computers and transform it from the world of black and white line art into something with a slap of colour.
Not using a rainbow tape dispenser gun! This is really a continuation of Part 1, well it was recorded separately but shows all the stuff I didn’t finish in part one because I was too busy nattering! Part 3 will cover me doing some of that shading malarkey especially around the keyboard which is always a barrel of laughs! (Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit apparently!)
If you didn’t know this video came about because I did a colouring book.
The colouring book features over 30 line art illustrations of retro tech all ready to be coloured in. Not one to sit about I thought it would be nice to take some of these drawing and colour them in as they would look fantastic as wall art.
Thanks, to everyone who watches this video and I hope you will join me in Part 3.
Part 1 if you have missed is is linked below.
The software I use for all my digital work is the incredibly awesome Krita.
If you would like to buy me a cuppa while I’m doodling and a scribbling, then I have just the thing, I have a Ko-fi page for such kindness. You support is very much appreciate and welcomed, you never know it may even encourage me to do more of this sort of thing.
My Shop:
Canvas Prints of similar artwork are available here:…
Poster Prints of similar artwork are available here:…
Pixel Portrait Commissions are here:…
Sensible Soccer Prints are available here:…
Thanks for taking an interest in my work.