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A little test anim to pass the time today

I’ve been experiencing a few problems importing some anims into Unity from Blender recently and decided to take some time out from the hair pulling with this being the result. Bit flakey around the edges but not bad methinks! Now I know how to use the ‘node’ editor in Blender the possibilities are quite staggering […]

Box Droid Concept Prototype 001 Sketch

Late 2006 I started designing the sprites for Blobbit Push  and one of the characters I came up with was a small droid known as a Box Droid which later became a series of droids all based around the same box like design. With the new game in development and the totally separate but loosely […]

Is there anybody out there?

I was just thinking as I look into my Blobbit stars, ‘is there anybody out there?’ Then it dawned on me, what I need is some space junk and some stuff to plonk in the background. Background – check Twinkle stars – check Big Moon – check Stuff – Yes That’s that then. Do I […]

Ahh so that’s what the ‘d’ means!

‘Rot’ or ‘DRot’ what the ?? Ahh now I know! Rot is an absolute value overiding the object’s values and DRot is added to the current value! Ta da! Same applies to scale too. Stars are now converted to use Drot D?? where applicable!

Blobbit sprite conversion

Rather than just do a  quick conversion job resulting in a load of blurred undefined sprites I’ve been adding extra glow and opacity to some of them. When we did the original game the sprites were for the most part quite old school and were drawn in 8bit with no alpha channel data. Not bad […]

Blobbits’ love Unity!!

Having written the new GDD(Game Design Document for those not in the know) for Blobbit iPush which also includes a few concept sketches and illustrations, the next step is to start some proper development work.  A little bit later than planned but hey, better late than never I say! Ta Da!! After a few seconds […]

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