For this part I tried to record while narrating and it was pretty good but I still found I rambled on a bit too much for my own liking, see what you think!
This is the third part of my journey into demonstrating my process in colouring an existing line art illustration from the colouring book I worked on for Neil over at the Cave back in 2021/2022.
A lot changed during the making of this video episode. I recorded it at about 7:00 am on the Friday (3rd) and was using ShotCut to do my editing which I have used extensively in the past but for some reason the latest version was just not playing ball with my set up and it became unusable to the point where it was costing me time. So I opted to change editor and remembered back in my Linux days using Kdenlive. Ahh I thought let’s check that out and see if it can do a better job. Well, what can I say, within a few minutes of installing it I had imported my video, split the audio off, and then as an experiment added in a few overlays to go along with the narration. The process was smooth with no hassles or issues!
I also added in a caption or two because at one point during the video the audio cut off, I can only put this down to my mic becoming momentarily disconnected during recording without my knowledge, (something I need to check in future).
Prior to the edit I processed the audio in Audacity as my volume levels remained lower than I would have liked, the levels on the previous two videos were not great either despite monitoring them. Comparing the levels at playback to other sources proved something was not right with the volume. I had tried to ramp them up prior to recording but I can only put it down to my Mic or something going a bit off with the drivers perhaps? A few edits later the audio track was normalised and the levels were now at an acceptable volume.
The next part I will be recording in segments with narration added either during the record or in post edit as I think some of the process really could benefit from being in time lapse to keep the viewer engaged. I’m still very new to this so like with a lot of things it’s a learning process and with trial and error form solid systems with which to progress further. Plus it also gives me a focal point with which to promote my work and drive me to create more artwork in the future.