I’ve been a regular viewer of the Retro Man Cave and the equally excellent The Back Office Show on Youtube for quite some time, so when the chief cave dweller Neil asked me if I would be interested in appearing on the Retro Island Diskettes podcast I immediately replied with a resounding YES!

After I’d accepted I then thought… would I actually be able to choose 8 tunes to take with me on the Retro Island? How wrong I was, in the end I had to shortlist my selection! It was a very close call on a couple of the tracks but I got there in the end and one thing I must say is the process really filled me with joy. I’d not listened to many of these tracks for years so hearing them again brought back memories of when I first heard them. Ahh but it wasn’t just the music, no… but memories of the people I was with, family, friends and the associated good times, all from hearing a handful of video game tunes! How cool is that? – And back in the day they said video games were a fad! Yeah…Right!

Anyway enough of my ramblings….Here’s those lovely chaps Neil and Andrew having a chat with me as I choose just 8 tracks to take with me to the Retro Island!

I would like to say thank you to the guys for asking me , I genuinely appreciate it and thouroughly enjoyed talking to them both.

Stoo, June 2019
One day I will invest in a webcam!
If you’d rather not see my waffling on… here’s the audio only version… 😉

You can find >>>>The Retro Man Cave Youtube channel here<<<
and >>>> The Back Office Show Youtube channel here<<<<
Please check them both out and don’t forget to like and a subscribe!

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