After the very long gap between part 6 and part 7 I have made a concerted effort to get part 8 recorded in between doing other things, you know like work ,life and the ZX Spectrum Next! – More on that later! I have been rather busy of late, actually I still am, but a few early morning recording sessions and a couple of evening ones has yielded good progress, so much so that I’m confident the next episode will be making an appearance by the end of the month – if not sooner!
I have also adopted a new approach to editing; instead of waiting for all the parts to be recorded before hitting Kdenlive ( for the edit, I’ve been editing each video segment as I go. After each section has been recorded I’ve immediately gone into edit mode. Piecing it all together, adding overlay titles, music for the time-lapse and doing the normal audio adjustments one does when doing this sort of thing. The result is a video that has been far quicker to produce than previous episodes. It’s been a learning progress to say the least and I’ve been enjoying every minute of it! So much so that I’m really looking forward to starting work on the next one soon after, which will be the Sega Mega Drive.
I don’t often ask for support, but if you do want to support my work please feel free to buy me a cuppa or if you want to have a look at the illustrations I created which formed the base for these videos then a limited number of colouring books are still available in my shop. Thanks.
Oh I almost forgot, I also sell art prints of my work too!
Order your own copy of the colouring book