
Colouring in an Amiga 1000 Part 7 (delayed)

- ☕ Cuppa Tea? ☕ -

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If you have been following my Colouring in an Amiga 1000 YouTube series you may have noticed there’s been no updates for a while.

Half of Part 7 was recorded and edited mid January with the last segment all set to be recorded early February, the focus being the external drive. That was until I had a rather inconvenient issue with one of my hard drives. Thankfully it didn’t fail and no data was lost but it was showing signs of age and data loss was inevitable as file writes were starting to error. Saving a file would result in corrupt data being written or files just not appearing! “I’m sure I copied that file there? How strange!

Due to work commitments and various other things going on in my life I had to work around these issues until I could get the replacement drive installed. Before doing this I had to check the offending drive for any non backed up data that I may want in the future. Suffice to say it took longer than I would have liked as getting that time proved a little more tricky. All resolved now!

The new drive is installed and though my machine is getting on a bit now; overall it works without issues – in fact the new drive is a lot quicker than the one it replaced. With all that said, I have scheduled the recording this week, with the final video in the series planned to be shot and edited shortly after.

Here’s a playlist of the videos I’ve recorded in this series so far, which will house the final two parts when they are uploaded. The first part was recorded live and unbeknown to me I didn’t realise that editing part 1 would remove the live chat. I cringe a little looking at this now but doing it was all part of the journey so it’s all good! I should add I am planning a re-edit of the whole process into a single video which will have new narration, a much shorter runtime and should be an easier watch!

By the way, I don’t have any ambitions to become a full time YouTuber so these videos are really just to show how I do some of my stuff for anyone who’s interested. I do plan to do more, and I will be changing the format for the next one to a more shorter format version as this first one has taken an age to do!



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