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So it’s International Amiga day 2014!

I wasn’t going to post anything, but then I thought to myself, do you know what, a good chunk of my working life was spent in front of an Amiga computer of some sorts during most of the 1990s perhaps a few lines is deserving of a machine I still have fond memories of.

I started out with an Amiga A1000 which cost some silly amount but was so worth it as it had a piece of software on it called Dpaint. The grandfather of pixel art software and one I spent many years using creating the art for a lot of my earlier Amiga graphics.

I recall seeing the Amiga demos on display and it immediately showed the power this new machine possessed , it was back in the late 80’s light years ahead of the current computers of the time.  The most famous bouncing ball demo which later became an emblem of Amiga Inc. is one the better known examples but for me the one I remember most fondly was a demo that showed a funky looking street scene with robots walking about, imaginatively titled Robo City.

Over the years I’ve owned and worked on most of the Amiga models, which surprisingly I still own, though whether they still work or not is something I’ll have to find out in the future. The last machine I used was an A4000 and absolute wonder of a machine.
So  to mark the date I’ve knocked up a quick collage of some of my old Amiga art from back in the day.

Viva Amiga, you may be gone, but you will never ever be forgotten.


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