A new blog entry

This is a blog entry to let you know (yes ‘you’ that solitary soul peeking around the door at the back of the room) that I shall be writing a new blog entry very soon. This is a rock!
Updates are coming… (soon’ish after some sangria and Ron Trinidad)

I often feel obliged to write something here when there’s nothing to write other than endless meandering dribbles of uninteresting facts about this and that. Today however I decided I would write something, so here’s some text… oh hang on a mo…. I’ve already finished….Oops… Here’s a pointless sketch about arrows.. The wit that follows […]
Box Droid Concept Prototype 001 Sketch

Late 2006 I started designing the sprites for Blobbit Push and one of the characters I came up with was a small droid known as a Box Droid which later became a series of droids all based around the same box like design. With the new game in development and the totally separate but loosely […]