The Art of Little Bird Episode 1

Christmas 2011, the holiday season was about to begin.. I was just about to begin the slow down for the holidays, you know the usual sort of thing, mulled wine, ginger wine, mince pies, backing up my files, fixing things, you get the idea. So mid-bite through a mince pie I’m offered a small project […]
Another Indie Royale illustration…

When asked to draw something pertaining to the subject of “Debut” for the upcoming Indie Royale bundle, you could say my creative brain had popped out for a scone and afternoon tea. Nope, no ideas forthcoming until Graeme (IndieRoyale bundle master) suggested a stage with curtains, and thus the image of an old theatre and […]
Indie Royale Icons

[su_label type=”info”]Lettuce have a bit[/su_label] I recently started working with the guys at Indie Royale, providing title art for each of their new games bundles. My first piece of art was this rather hungry giant tortoise for their Evolved bundle. The art style on the website had to be adhered to so my first job […]
A new blog entry

This is a blog entry to let you know (yes ‘you’ that solitary soul peeking around the door at the back of the room) that I shall be writing a new blog entry very soon. This is a rock!
Sketches of the teleport door and pad

Here we have two sketches… But not just any old sketches oh no oh no oh no… These are sketches of something that is in my book (yes that book!). These are sketches of a Blobbit repaired ‘Matter No Splatter’ transportation device. Usually these devices appear unbroken but sadly this one wasn’t so lucky. But […]
Seams… but no Mrs Slocombe..

As a relative of newbie who is still learning the ropes with all this 3D modelling, texturing and animating malarkey (yes I’m so 2D I even have a travelator in my home instead of stairs), I have discovered that in order to make a UV Map fit like a glove without an obvious stretch or […]
Box Droid Concept Prototype 001 Sketch

Late 2006 I started designing the sprites for Blobbit Push and one of the characters I came up with was a small droid known as a Box Droid which later became a series of droids all based around the same box like design. With the new game in development and the totally separate but loosely […]
Frontend menu scribbles

Updating me designs for the iphone version of Blobbit Push. 🙂