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Football sprites… I wondered I did…

I was sitting on the sofa, as you do (or don’t if you have successfully mastered the art of levitation), when a thought crossed my mind. I pondered I did, I pondered again and this time the thought went a little something like this..”I wonder how many times  I’ve drawn football player sprites over the […]

Sega World Championship Soccer II (Secret revealed)

There’s a secret that I’m surprised hasn’t surfaced by now? It’s not something to change societal structure, nor create widespread panic on a global scale. No, this secret is about a game I worked on during my Sensible Software days,

I once did a pixel version of the World Cup…

And here it is…all drawn 1 pixel at a time using the most excellent ProMotion from the most excellent Jan Zimmerman & Cosmigo! Unfortunately due to licensing regulations that are tighter than tight things wrapped in latex rubber, shrink wrapped, re-squeezed and then cling filmed to the extreme, this humble image can never be used […]

An old Footy gif

Whilst trawling through some old files in my documents folder I came across a directory which contained a couple of old animated GIF’s created for past projects. Sadly both projects never saw the light of day but it’s always nice to see work files one more time before they get filed away for another couple […]

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