Pinball game you say?!

Sometimes you’re offered a project that ticks all the boxes right away. Let’s go back to September 2012 when one such project fell in my lap.The game was called Looksi Pinball and was intended to work with a hardware overlay for an iPad or iPhone to provide.
Molotov Man Concept Sprite

Meet Molly, nickname for the main character from the unreleased unfinished and unsigned game called Molotov Man developer to work on the Super Nintendo.
Zombie Boy Doodle

Funny what a doodle in MyPaint can turn in to isn’t it? Take this one I did yesterday. I’ve called him “Ronnie Stump Sticks”, a zombie boy with out any hands, poor thing. Not having any hands doesn’t stop him from getting on with the afterlife. Oh no, he’s quite a resourceful boy and uses […]
Another Indie Royale illustration…

When asked to draw something pertaining to the subject of “Debut” for the upcoming Indie Royale bundle, you could say my creative brain had popped out for a scone and afternoon tea. Nope, no ideas forthcoming until Graeme (IndieRoyale bundle master) suggested a stage with curtains, and thus the image of an old theatre and […]
(UPDATE) An old screen mock up..and my blog is now wider!!

I’ve widened the width of this blog! Yay let’s all have a party! Ok it’s not that big a deal but it does mean I can fit some Amiga size screenshots in now without having to scale them down and in the process losing that retrotastic scanline effect I like to add. To start it […]
Inbetweeny screeny

I wish this thing had an image rotate option… Bahh Save