Premium Aluminium Coasters – No more!

This is just a quick post as a comment on the coasters I sell over at my lil’old art shop The Design Droid. When I sell prints of my art one thing I must get right is that the quality of the print must be as close as possible to the original; whether that be […]

Colouring in an Amiga 1000 (Part 4)

I think I’ve finally settled into a process that works for me. As mentioned in my previous blog entry about my journey into my video making antics I have learnt a lot in a relatively short time on how best to go about. For this one I think subsequent videos, I’ve taken to narrating as […]

Colouring an Amiga 1000 (Part 3)

For this part I tried to record while narrating and it was pretty good but I still found I rambled on a bit too much for my own liking, see what you think! This is the third part of my journey into demonstrating my process in colouring an existing line art illustration from the colouring […]

I Made a YouTube Playlist I did

Well would you Adam and Eve it, I only went and added my recent Amiga 1000 colouring videos to a playlist! In my quest to become organised with this little off the cuff series born out of a social media poll a few months back on the subject of which machine should get the full […]

Colouring an Amiga 1000 (Part 2)

Join me as I continue to take one of my illustrations from The Colouring Book of Retro Computers and transform it from the world of black and white line art into something with a slap of colour. Not using a rainbow tape dispenser gun! This is really a continuation of Part 1, well it was […]

Colouring an Amiga 1000 (Part 1)

I did a live stream last night, it was surprisingly more fun than I thought it would be, so much so you could say I’m already planning out what’s next after I finish working on this one!I’m very new to doing this sort of thing and as I like to get things right I made […]

I’ve got a Ko-Fi Shop!

Ko-Fi has been one of those sites I set up but then failed miserably to do much with. After the initial adding a “Buy me a Coffee” button I pretty much left it as is until that is logged back in recently and discovered the website offers a shop facility and an added extra, the […]

Finally, My Shop Lives! Well well well, it appears after what seems like an age and a lot of replies to my wife that “It won’t be long now, almost done” my new shop is finished and is online. Yay!

Indie Royale – Artwork Post

For about a year around 2013/2014 I provided all the bundle artwork for the guys at Indie Royale. Most of my work was to create the theme art for each bundle, usually based on the titles. For the most part I used Inkscape to create these pieces, mostly drawn digitally in rough using MyPaint, occasionally […]

The Art of Little Bird Episode 1

Christmas 2011, the holiday season was about to begin.. I was just about to begin the slow down for the holidays, you know the usual sort of thing, mulled wine, ginger wine, mince pies, backing up my files, fixing things, you get the idea.  So mid-bite through a mince pie I’m offered a small project […]

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