Social media, servant or master?

How do you use your social media? What platforms do you favour? Does your preferred platform reflect you or is that choice based on something else? Who remembers Friends Reunited? I do, most certainly, it was quite a refreshing and innovative idea when it first graced the internet back in 2001(citation)

I waffled on with The Waffling Taylors! (podcast)

October 2019, I’m at EGX helping Matt and Mark (Branching Narrative) man their stand for their debut title “Death Trap Dungeon the Interactive Video Adventure”. Now if you follow me on Twitter you’ll know I’ve been working on this game over the past few months. One of the great things about being at one of […]

The Stoodio Sub Lives Again!

I’m sure I’m no different to a lot of artists when it comes to my work environment. A nice hot cup of something in ones favourite mug, a comfy supportive chair, work stuff at hand when it’s needed and one of the driving forces to getting in “The Zone” is of course music!

Retro Island Diskettes Q&A

I’ve been a regular viewer of the Retro Man Cave and the equally excellent The Back Office Show on Youtube for quite some time, so when the chief cave dweller Neil asked me if I would be interested in appearing on the Retro Island Diskettes podcast I immediately replied with a resounding YES! After I’d […]

Retro Island Diskettes Q&A (Series 2 Preview)

I’ve been a regular viewer of the Retro Man Cave and the equally excellent The Back Office Show on Youtube for quite some time, so when the chief cave dweller Neil asked me if I would be interested in appearing on the Retro Island Diskettes podcast I immediately replied with a resounding YES! After I’d […]

A new old interview.

An update to an interview I gave to the excellent Retro Video Gamer website a few years ago with answers to new questions and soem of the things I’ve been upto since. Please check it out along with many of the other excellent interviews and reviews too. Check the image link below… Lovely stuff.. RVG […]

Titter ye not for I been mostly usingTwitter !

Over the past few days I’ve been using Twitter. I can certainly see the appeal of quick easy straight to the point updates of information. I registered ages ago but never really got into it, until now! As you can see if you glance over the to the right of this blog I’ve added me […]

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