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I’ve got a Ko-Fi Shop!

Ko-Fi has been one of those sites I set up but then failed miserably to do much with. After the initial adding a “Buy me a Coffee” button I pretty much left it as is until that is logged back in recently and discovered the website offers a shop facility and an added extra, the […]

Cannon Fodder Overview Video

It’s nice to see Cannon Fodder continue to receive such warm praise all these years later. Check this out and if you like it leave a comment and sub to the channel. Cheers! Fodder’tastic!

Stewie’s Quick SensiGolf Review

Check this out, Stewie who I know from my numerous Twitter interactions also has a great YouTube channel where he reviews his gaming collection, so it was a lovely surprise to see Sensible Golf pop up!

This is a test

this is a test Hello! I thought I’d broken something but it appears I have not!

On A Retro Tip – A conversation

This is the 2nd interview I have written about this week which funnily enough was the first! After many attempts to fix a diary date, I finally got to have a chat with Pete and well, rather than me tell you more, why not have a listen! A great conversation was had. Thanks Pete!

On A Retro Tip – Mega Drive Edit

I had a good chat with Pete on a retro trip not that long ago and one of things we touched on was the process I went through when converting a game from the Amiga over to the Sega Mega Drive. Here’s a clip of that conversation, with the full interview available on his main […]

Amiga Addict Issue 19

Well, well, well what have we here… is it a pixel art cover on the latest issue of Amiga Addict, by jove it is! Now there’s a little story associate with how this cover came about. I’d already worked on a version of this image to be used as a background for a new Pixel […]

A blog post about this erm…blog

It’s the 21st February 2023 and I jsut added a portfolio section to this site. Originally I had my previous client work as part of the gallery section but this just doesn’t work when trying to differentiate between personal work and professional paid for work. Of course the answer was obvious, set up a portfolio […]

Social media, servant or master?

How do you use your social media? What platforms do you favour? Does your preferred platform reflect you or is that choice based on something else? Who remembers Friends Reunited? I do, most certainly, it was quite a refreshing and innovative idea when it first graced the internet back in 2001(citation)

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